Opening up to Reiki

Mind Matters



This page is to flag up the tremendous effect that using Reiki to profoundly relax a person can have.

The effect of physical, metal, emotional stress on our body`s systems, especially over the long term, is a key issue affecting a person`s health.

Your instincts take over during times of trauma, stress, mental, emotional and or physical.

Your brain (Central Nervous System) provides instructions for every function that occurs inside your body. Your body is in constant communication with your brain at all times, every second of your life.

Your brain is this amazing super computer that receives, processes and analyzes a staggering amount of information every second of your life...

Your brain also provides specific instructions to every tissue, organ and system within your body... every second of your life!

Your brainstem houses a part of your Central Nervous System that controls ALL of the automatic functions that occur within your body to keep you alive.

Things like: breathing, management of every internal organ and system (not to mention the interaction of all organs and systems), fight and flight protective reflexes...


 This part of your Central Nervous System (called the Autonomic (automatic) Nervous System), is always functioning, every second of your life. This is the part of your brain that "takes over" when you experience trauma/stress. This is where your brain stores your Survival Instincts, in the hard drive... in the most primitive, base level your brain... so that your instincts can protect your life.

When you experience trauma through injury, accident, abuse of any kind, stress (death, loss of job, divorce, illness) or any situation combined with a sense of helplessness, your survival instincts of Fight and Flight turn on without your conscious permission or awareness.

Most of you will recognize the pattern of Fight and Flight in the body:
Increased heart rate
Increased breathing rate
Increased blood pressure
Hormone shift toward producing more adrenalin
Dry mouth
Butterflies in Stomach
Sweaty palms
Poor focus / concentration
Increased frustration / anxiety
Muscle tension and pain
These are normal reactions when your protective instincts take over. As your brain shifts into protection mode, your body's organs and systems receive new instructions from your brain's hard drive (Autonomic Nervous System).

These instructions result in the patterns you see listed above...
the patterns of Chronic Conditions!

The problem for those of you suffering from chronic conditions is the repetitive activation of this instinctive process over time. When you have been suffering for a long time, your brain has inevitably activated this protective pattern over and over and over.

Repetition = Habit

For many of you reading this, your Nervous Systems have formed a habit of activating this instinctive protection inappropriately. Like a false alarm.

When this false alarm is activated so many times and for so long, the result is a habit of your brain always instructing your body to maintain a pattern of high level protection.

You begin to develop emotional associations of anger, helplessness, sadness, frustration, hopelessness, fear... throughout your experiences.

In time, your emotions have a dramatic impact upon your chronic patterns.

For most of you, when your stress levels increase, so do your physical symptom patterns.

As you develop emotional associations to your chronic condition, you also begin to develop experiential associations (memories) of your limitations and even anticipatory fears based upon those memories. This occurs within your conscious brain, or Neo-Cortex. This is the big noodle you think of when you picture your brain. This is where you live: your awareness, memories, creativity, logic, humor, problem solving, concentration...

Your thoughts, memories and their associations, as well as anticipatory expectations can also heavily influence the activation of fight and flight protective patterns.

The integumentary system is an organ system consisting of the skin, hair, nails, and exocrine glands. The skin is only a few millimeters thick yet is by far the largest organ in the body. The average person's skin weighs 10 pounds and has a surface area of almost 20 square feet. Skin forms the body's outer covering and forms a barrier to protect the body from chemicals, disease, UV light, and physical damage. Hair and nails extend from the skin to reinforce the skin and protect it from environmental damage

Reiki Creating Space

The stresses and straines of modern day life are a big cause of depression, sleeplessness, helplessness, anxiety.

Even if not the cause, they have a big impact on chronic physical conditions.

And over a long period of time can start to have a big effect on our bodies natural healing ability.

The effect of Reiki profoundly relaxing the individual at the core gives a window of opportunity for balance to be restored. 

Spinal Cord Messenger Path

The spinal cord plays a critical role in transferring stress response neural impulses from the brain to the rest of the body.

In addition to the neuroendocrine blood hormone signaling system initiated by the hypothalamus, the spinal cord communicates with the rest of the body by innervating the peripheral nervous system.

Certain nerves that belong to the sympathetic branch of the central nervous system exit the spinal cord and stimulate peripheral nerves, which in turn engage the body's major organs and muscles in a fight-or-flight manner.

 Chronic conditions feed back in on themselves, something we don`t get with Acute problems.
 And in doing so we actually aggravate the problem, creating a loop, feeding back in on itself. My opinion is that for survival purposes it the most important thing is speed, and habit forming is a good brain tool to help this - but it can and does have it`s problems when our rational mind gives input based on presumptions that become a self fulfilling prophesy.
The problem of chronic conditions (Mental, Emotional, Physical) lives within all three base divisions of the brain:

The Brainstem:
Houses the Autonomic (automatic) Nervous System. This is the most primitive level of the brain and is charged with all things related to survival. Requires no conscious permission or awareness.

The Limbic system:
or emotional brain creates emotional associations to experiences and memories. There is a conscious component to the emotional brain, as well as an unconscious component.

The Neo-Cortex:
is your conscious brain. Where your thinking mind, your anticipatory expectations, thoughts, beliefs, story making, rationalisations take place.


We must be the change we wish to see in the world. Ghandi